Thursday, September 16, 2004

amazing race 5

Brief report on family: mama said papa is thinner. Not to worry, my papa has started to have nutritious meals since yesterday!

This is my favourite show, Amazing Race 5 - see the left box, you can click details for every episode. Latest is episode 11.

The loveliest couple on this episode is Brandon & Nicole - I love these people. Brandon is a extremely patient, never shouts at Nicky - no matter how HUGE the pressure is, Nicky is a sweet darling. They do have a God-centered loving relationship! On every occassion, Brandon cites "God loves us".

Below is the gem of the day:
Guncangkanlah hal negatif yang menimpa dan melangkahlah naik !!!
Ingatlah aturan sederhana tentang Kebahagiaan :
1. Bebaskan dirimu dari kebencian
2. Bebaskanlah pikiranmu dari kecemasan
3. Hiduplah sederhana
4. Berilah lebih banyak
5. Berharaplah lebih sedikit
6. Tersenyumlah

Shake off all the negatives and step up!! Remember simple rules on Happiness:
1. Free yourself from hatred
2. Free yourself from worries
3. Live simple
4. Give more
5. Expect less
6. Smile