Monday, September 27, 2004

mailing list & mooncake

A useful link that I found on the Buddhism mailing list: alternative medication: Juice fasting is an advanced method of detoxification that speeds the elimination of toxins from the body - this method is called: Detox - juicing. Funnily enough, the advertisement on this page is McDonald "i'm lovin' it"- premium breast strips.

Today is the mooncake festival!
THERE are several stories about the origins of mooncakes and the myths and legends behind the Mooncake Festival.

One of the more romantic myths is that Chang-O, the most beautiful woman of Chinese mythology stole the elixir of life that her husband had obtained with great difficulty from the Royal Mother.
The story goes like this:
Long ago, the earth was in a state of havoc because there were 10 suns in the sky, and these were the sons of the Jade Emperor.
Rivers dried up, the land became barren, and many people died.
Seeing the death and destruction caused by his sons, the Jade Emperor took this matter to the god Hou Yi. The Emperor asked Hou Yi to persuade his sons to rise up away from the earth to end the catastrophe.

When Hou Yi asked the suns to leave the sky, they refused. Made angry by their defiance, Hou Yi, a great archer, launched arrows at the suns, shooting them down one by one until his wife Chang-O pleaded with him to save one sun to keep the earth warm and bright.
Knowing that the Jade Emperor was furious at the slaying of his sons, Hou Yi and Chang-O were forced to stay on earth.

Chang-O was unhappy, so her husband tried to win back her favour by gathering herbs that would give them once again the power to ascend to heaven. Chang-O remained angry, however, and ate all the herbs herself. She flew up to the moon, where she remains alone, living in the Moon Palace. The Tang poet, Li Shang-yin wrote the above verse on Chang O's sad story three thousand years later, and the story of Chang-O's flight to the moon has persisted since among the people of the world. There are several versions of this story, but this is the more popular version.

On the 15th of the 8th lunar month every year (this year it falls on September 24), when the moon is at its brightest and loveliest, Chinese people around the world look at the moon and remember Chang-O and her legend. The occasions is celebrated as the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as
the Moon Festival.

Mooncakes became part of the Mid-Autumn Festival because during the Yuan dynasty (1280 1368 A.D.) when China was ruled by the Mongolian people. Leaders from the preceding Sung dynasty (960-1280 A.D.) were unhappy at submitting to foreign rule, and set out to co-ordinate the rebellion without it being discovered. The leaders of the rebellion, knowing that the Moon Festival was drawing near, ordered the making of special cakes. Packed into each mooncake was a message with the outline of the attack.

On the night of the Moon Festival, the rebels succesfully attacked and overthrew the government. What followed was the establishment of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.).

Today, mooncakes are eaten to commemorate this event.

For generations, mooncakes have been made with sweet fillings of nuts, mashed red beans, lotus-seed paste or Chinese dates, wrapped in a pastry. Sometimes, a cooked egg yolk can be found in the middle of the rich tasting dessert.

What does this festival mean and when did it start?
Sharing a mooncake with your family by dividing i into four pieces -- a tradition that Chinese believe will ensure a harmonious family. A festival for reunion The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth month of the year according to the Chinese lunar calendar.
The custom of worshipping the moon can be traced back as far as the ancient Xia (21st century-16th century BC) and Shang dynasties (16th century-11th century BC). In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), people began to send round mooncakes to their relatives as gifts as an expression of their best wishes of family reunion. In addition to mooncakes, Chinese also eat taro, fragrant ``maodou'' (young soybean) and duck at the festival. At the end of a meal, people often have fresh lotus roots. Tonight the moon should be at its lowest angle to the horizon, making the moon appear brighter and rounder than any other time of the year.

Unfortunately, the meaning of this tradition is fading away - full report.

My friend shared her little secret on how to "find" a husband by following these steps during the mooncake festival:

1. Put a pail of water at the open space of the house i.e. roof or yard
2. Leave it there for 24 hours and MUST get direct moon & sun lights.
3. Bathe with water from the pail & make a wish - for a perfect husband :)

Sunday, September 26, 2004



By the time the Lord made woman, He was into his sixth day of working overtime.
An angel appeared and said, "Why are you spending so much time on this one?"

And the Lord answered, "Have you seen my spec sheet on her? She has to be completely washable, but not plastic, have over 200 movable parts, all replaceable and able to run on diet coke and leftovers, have a lap that can hold four children at one time, have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart -and she will do everything with only two hands."

The angel was astounded at the requirements. "Only two hands!? No way!And that's just on the standard model? That's too much work for one day. Wait until tomorrow to finish."But I won't," the Lord protested. "I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart. She already heals herself when she is sick AND can work 18 hour days."

The angel moved closer and touched the woman. "But you have made her so soft, Lord."
"She is soft," the Lord agreed, "but I have also made her tough.
You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish." "Will she be able to think?", asked the angel.

The Lord replied, "Not only will she be able to think, she will be able to reason and negotiate."

The angel then noticed something, and reaching out, touched the woman's cheek. "Oops, it looks like you have a leak in this model. I told you that you were trying to put too much into this one." "That's not a leak," the Lord corrected, "that's a tear!" "What's the tear for?" the angel asked.

The Lord said, "The tear is her way of expressing her joy, her sorrow, her pain, her disappointment, her love, her loneliness, her grief and her pride." The angel was impressed. "You are a genius, Lord. You thought of everything! Woman is truly amazing." And she is! Women have strengths that amaze men.

They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous. They fight for what they believe in. They stand up to injustice. They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.They go without so their family can have. They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.They love unconditionally. They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding. Their hearts break when a friend dies. They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning. They bring joy, hope and love. They have compassion and ideals. They give moral support to their family and friends. Women have vital things to say and everything to give.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Results AR 5

Amazing Race 5 finale was aired 2 days ago ... I am still thrilled with the results that I could not sleep on Wednesday night -- too excited! I was too 'involved' in the game...
My second favourite team, Chip & Kim, won the AR 5! Brandon & Nicole, my first favourite, arrived in the 3rd place. Colin & Christie got the recognition to be the most competitive team in the whole AR history - and i agree, that is so trueeeee !
I googled lyrics of GREAT ROMANTIC by Tunde (the vocalist of Lighthouse Family), no luck. The album will be released on 4th October 2004, perhaps I should wait until later?
Just got sms from mom: the food package will arrive tonight at hostel :) happy ! I love my mom - she is the BEST!!!
My colleague gave me a "hand-me-down" (this is how Rob described it) cool Panasonic GD88.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

fotos: graduation & jap food

Went through folders few days ago and found photo of my youngest brother graduation in end 2003.... - my parents look happy here !

Oh, this tiny octopus is in Japanese food belt ... interesting, i didnt have the courage to eat it though...

My friend, Lieke, is enjoying her teriyaki -- yummy....

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

helping hand ...

Story below is taken from post-bomb blast in front of Australian Embassy last week.
There are still people with golden hearts out there....
Dia Membopongmu, Nunuk...PANDANGAN pria bertopi hitam itu nanar. Wajahnya tegang mengeras. Kedua tangannya membopong Elizabeth Manuela Babina Muzu alias Nunuk, 5 tahun, yang penuh luka. Setengah berlari dia menyibak kerumunan massa. Wartawan mengabadikan aksinya. Foto itu esoknya menghiasi halaman depan media massa.
Siapa pria penolong itu? Manuel Muzu, ayah Nunuk, pria asal Italia, mencarinya ke mana-mana. Diantar mobil Toyota Kijang, sembari menenteng koran buram yang memuat foto itu, Manuel menyusuri kawasan Kuningan, Jakarta. Kerumunan tukang ojek di depan kampus Perbanas hanya menggeleng ketika disodori gambar itu.Jawaban sama didapat dari tukang ojek di samping Rumah Sakit MMC. Wartawan Gatra juga berupaya mencari pria yang menolong Nunuk itu. Pedagang kaki lima di sekitar Kedubes Australia tidak ada yang mengenalnya. "Mungkin orang jauh yang kebetulan lewat," kata seorang tukang ojek di depan kampus Perbanas.Seorang petugas satpam Kedubes Australia mengatakan, pria itu adalah anggota Brimob. Memang, perawakan laki-laki berkumis itu kekar. Tapi, ketika ditanyakan pada anggota pasukan Brimob yang berjaga di kantor perwakilan Australia itu, mereka serempak menggeleng. "Bukan anggota kami," kata seorang dari mereka.Lalu, siapa pria yang menolongmu, Nunuk?
Titik terang muncul ketika seorang tukang ojek di samping Rumah Sakit MMC mengaku lupa-lupa ingat dengan wajah pria itu. Dia mengundang teman-temannya untuk mencoba menggali ingatan. "Sepertinya pekerja proyek di Pasar Festival," katanya. Yang lain menimpali bahwa pekerja di proyek itulah yang pertama kali berlari menuju lokasi setelah ledakan.
Akhirnya Gatra bertemu dengan Achmad Usman. Ya, inilah dia. Pria berusia 37 tahun ini adalah teknisi saluran udara air conditioner di lantai dasar Pasar Festival, 300 meter dari Kedubes Australia. Achmad sedang asyik bekerja ketika tiba-tiba ada suara ledakan."Tubuh saya bergetar. Saya kira ada lift jatuh," katanya. Ayah empat anak itu kontan menghambur keluar bersama teman-temannya. Pekerja PT Trikarsa itu mendekati lokasi ledakan. Ia mendapati tubuh-tubuh sudah bergelimpangan di jalanan. Bau bahan kimia menyengat hidung.Achmad Usman berusaha menolong orang-orang yang terluka. "Kami dahulukan yang hidup," katanya. Ketika itu, dia melihat teman-temannya tengah menolong korban bertubuh besar. "Saya berusaha membantu karena kelihatan berat," katanya.
Saat itulah matanya mengarah pada Nunuk, bocah cilik yang penuh luka.Saat itu sebenarnya sudah ada orang yang memangku Nunuk. "Orang itu saya dengar berteriak minta tolong," ia menjelaskan. Bocah itu lantas direngkuhnya dalam gendongan. "Saya memilih jangan sampai menyentuh lukanya," katanya. Karena itu, dia menyangga bagian kaki dan leher.Saat itu, Nunuk pingsan. Pria asal Mangga Besar, Jakarta Barat, ini membopong Nunuk ke sebuah mobil, karena mengira bocah cantik itu telah meninggal.
Begitu dibaringkan di jok mobil, tiba-tiba Nunuk bergerak. Matanya terbeliak, tubuhnya mengejang."Mama, Mama...," Nunuk merintih lemah.Pria yang membopongnya teringat anaknya yang tak tertolong.Kontan air mata Achmad berlinang. "Mirip saat anak saya akan meninggal," katanya dengan raut muka sedih. Menurut dia, saat itu putri bungsunya baru berusia tiga bulan. Tiba-tiba sakit panas, dan kejang. "Matanya terbeliak persis dia," katanya. Saat itu, dia terlambat membawa anaknya ke rumah sakit.Tidak mau kehilangan "anak" kedua kalinya, Achmad menggendong Nunuk kembali, dan setengah berlari menuju rumah sakit terdekat. "Allahu Akbar!" teriaknya berulang-ulang. Orang-orang yang berkerumun menepi memberi jalan. Orang-orang yang bergerombol di depan rumah sakit juga memberi jalan. Akhirnya Nunuk dibaringkan di ruang gawat darurat. Saat itu, Achmad baru sadar tangannya yang tadi menyangga leher Nunuk berlepotan darah.
Sore harinya, ketika pulang kerja, Achmad langsung menuju pusara anaknya. "Saya berdoa di sana," katanya. "Jika Nunuk hanya akan menjadi beban keluarga, silakan ambil, ya, Allah. Namun, jika dia kelak berguna bagi keluarganya, maka selamatkanlah." Sejak itu, Achmad selalu terbayang pada Nunuk. "Anak itu selamat nggak, ya?" tanya Achmad kepada Gatra.
"Alhamdulillah," katanya bersyukur ketika diberitahu bahwa Nunuk dirawat di Singapura.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Election week & ;)

Election was fine. No bomb thread, all safe - GOOD! My president candidate is winning by 30% difference on the quick count..

Went to a book shop - Aksara in Plaza Indonesia on Saturday night and read about
Tantra/Tantric Sex - very very interesting.
THE good book, Sexual Secrets for Men (What Every Woman Will Want Her Man to Know), says that by the time I’ve finished reading it – and I have – "you are going to know more about lovemaking than 98 per cent of men on the planet".

Oh, this is the Indonesian version of Don't sweat the small stuff for Woman that i posted few days ago -
here. Wonder why they did not the title as well?

Friday, September 17, 2004


Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
~Oprah Winfrey
Come to think about it, I totally agree that it is very important to have friends. Especially - girlfriends as they will keep you sane. I suppose the conquest of finding true friends will never end in life?
This is my Snoopy fridge magnets collection :)

Monday, 20th September 2004 is our Presidential Election - this is the FIRST in history that President will be elected by people.

The candidates are:

1. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

2. Megawati Soekarnoputri

This is the proof that I can VOTE this Monday!

Thursday, September 16, 2004

amazing race 5

Brief report on family: mama said papa is thinner. Not to worry, my papa has started to have nutritious meals since yesterday!

This is my favourite show, Amazing Race 5 - see the left box, you can click details for every episode. Latest is episode 11.

The loveliest couple on this episode is Brandon & Nicole - I love these people. Brandon is a extremely patient, never shouts at Nicky - no matter how HUGE the pressure is, Nicky is a sweet darling. They do have a God-centered loving relationship! On every occassion, Brandon cites "God loves us".

Below is the gem of the day:
Guncangkanlah hal negatif yang menimpa dan melangkahlah naik !!!
Ingatlah aturan sederhana tentang Kebahagiaan :
1. Bebaskan dirimu dari kebencian
2. Bebaskanlah pikiranmu dari kecemasan
3. Hiduplah sederhana
4. Berilah lebih banyak
5. Berharaplah lebih sedikit
6. Tersenyumlah

Shake off all the negatives and step up!! Remember simple rules on Happiness:
1. Free yourself from hatred
2. Free yourself from worries
3. Live simple
4. Give more
5. Expect less
6. Smile

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

don't sweat over small stuff

check out this link -- another enlightenment....

For the most part, women have never had it so good. Thanks to our mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers, we've achieved equality with men (even if some men don't think so). We've made incredible strides in white- and blue-collar professional arenas, and we have broken strict gender barriers in nearly all industries. More than ever, we're respected by others and we respect ourselves. And we deserve it! We have more independence, options, and conveniences than ever, as well as the capacity to live rich, full lives.

ourselves, however, comes some very real confusion accompanied by a sense of being overwhelmed. Unlike the women who came in generations before us, we are lacking a concrete paradigm to live by. Instead, we are expected to do it all -- all the time. We have taken our ability to multi-task, and to accomplish a tremendous amount, to new levels. We are "super women" with much to celebrate -- yet we are exhausted!

One thing that hasn't changed very much is that many of us have a tendency to sweat the small stuff! Women are incredibly strong and, ironically, we do really well when the stakes are high. If there's a crisis, we're on top of it. If a friend is in need, we'll be there. If there's a sick child, turn to a woman for strength. If a sacrifice needs to be made, chances are, we will rise to the occasion and find a way to do what needs to be done.
On the other hand, we're the first to "lose it" over fairly small stuff! We can be nitpicky, petty, uptight, and tense. Many of us are perfectionists, overly controlling, and easily offended. We take things personally, and can be very reactive and dramatic. We're often quick to get bothered, irritated, and frustrated.
I had a great experience as Richard's co-author for Don't Sweat the Small Stuff in Love. I have to admit, however, that when Richard asked me to write solo for the first time for this book, a part of me wanted to hightail it as fast as I could in the other direction! However, I knew, after some contemplation, that this would be a challenge and a part of my own spiritual journey that I simply could not refuse. It gave me a chance to reflect upon and put into words those things that I had been attempting to practice for a lifetime.
I'd like you to know that the advice in this book is not coming from a woman who has any sort of superiority complex or any illusion that she has it all together. Far from it: I'm a normal everyday person who has either dealt with, or is currently dealing with, most of the issues and challenges in this book. To one degree or another, most of us have struggled with body image, family choices, budgets, men, friends, lifestyle, time management, communication issues, parenting, and balance. I certainly have. This is the stuff life is made of, and from which none of us are exempt!
I suppose that my greatest asset is that, like Richard, I'm a genuinely happy person most of the time. I tend to see the glass half full instead of half empty. I've always felt grateful to be a woman and to be alive. Happiness and peace of mind have always been a priority. Because of my basic nature and the efforts I've taken in this direction, I've come to see that it's not necessary (most of the time) to sweat the small stuff. My goal in writing this book is to point you in that general direction. I've found that the less bothered I become, the more I'm able to celebrate being female.

Mom is back! Everybody is dad & brothers can't wait to have a healthy meals after 1 month, sister is grateful that now her reliable baby sitter is around, and I am happy that my sms partner is in town now. Mom brought back 9 luggage in total!! This time, mom gained 2 extra kgs - she always gains weight everytime she is back from Taiwan!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

~phobia & bomb!

An interesting Readers' Digest Challenge - September edition.
  1. Automatonophobia = fear of ventriloquist dummies
  2. Bibliophobia = fear of books
  3. Ecclesiophobia = fear of church
  4. Aulophobia = fear of flutes
  5. Selenophobia = fear of the moon
  6. Venustraphobia = fear of beautiful women
  7. Logizomechanophobia = fear of computers

Sister said younger nephew, Okta, is better. He wants to play now but still does not have good appettite - yet. Her new worries now is that the 1st child, Dodo, might catch the measles as he wants to be around Okta all the time!



JAKARTA : At least seven people were killed and nearly 100 injured in a car bomb explosion outside the Australian embassy in central Jakarta Thursday, hospital officials said.Doctors at Jakarta's Metropolitan Medical Centre, close to the scene of the explosion, said four dead people had been received at their facility and at least 99 injured.

Mardiono, a medic at the morgue of Jakarta's Ciptomangunkusumo general hospital, said three unidentified bodies had also been sent there from the blast scene.The blast at around 10:30 am (0330 GMT) prompted the immediate evacuation of the embassy and caused a sharp drop on the Jakarta stock market.ElShinta radio station quoted a witness saying a police truck and a taxi in front of the embassy had been blown apart and the high steel fence surrounding the building in the Kuningan business and residential district was damaged.

A guard's post in front of the embassy was also destroyed.An AFP reporter at the scene saw burning debris in the road outside the embassy, roughly 100 metres (109 years) from the perimeter wall, as emergency services tried to extinguish flames and tend to the injured.A nearby multi-storey commerical block was left windowless by the blast.The Australian foreign ministry in Canberra said the explosion shattered windows in the embassy compound and damaged cars, but there were no immediate reports of injuries among embassy staff.

"The explosion shattered windows in the area including some at the Australian embassy and cars have been damaged," she told AFP."The embassy has been evacuated in line with established procedures," she said, adding that it was too early to determine whether the embassy had been targeted by the blast, she said.The Australian government of Prime Minister John Howard has warned Australians to avoid travel to Indonesia due to the threat of terrorist attacks by Islamic groups linked to the Al-Qaeda network.Both Australia and the United States last week raised new warnings urging their citizens and officials to avoid Western hotels in Jakarta following fresh concerns they could be hit by terrorists.

The warnings reminded citizens to defer non-essential travel to the Southeast Asian archipelago.Australia, which joined the United States in invading Iraq last year, has also been on alert for possible strikes ahead of national elections to be held on October 9.The Al-Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah group has been blamed for several high profile bomb attacks in Indonesia including the August 2003 attack on Jakarta's Marriott Hotel and the October 2002 bombings on the resort island of Bali.The nightclub bombings in Bali killed 202 people, including 88 Australians.- AFP

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


Sister went to doctor again last night, Okta has got morbili / measles !
Measles (morbilli): Characterised by high fever, coughing, common cold, eye irritation, exanthema (or a skin rash) and possible serious complications such as pneumonia or encephalitis
Hope he'll recover soon ..

Another birthdays 2 days ago = colleagues, Free lunch instead of cake :)

Rafii = wish he was 29
Ady=26 y.o

Has anyone seen fruit called Kecapi? This is my first time to see! It is said that the fruit must be squashed by door to open OR can just use knife - we chose the latter. Descriptions: nothing to swallow, just chew, taste the sour juice from the fruit and throw all.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Chinese medicine

Sister decided to use the antalope/deer horn here for treating treating Okta's (10 months old) fever today. Hopefully he will be better - it is breaking our heart to see her child unwell.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Hot weekend

It is not what you think...! Saturday and Sunday were extremely sunny and hot. Traffic was horrible too because of the Car exhibition at Senayan, good thing that i stayed in :)

Sister's birthday on Sunday. We gave her the a neclakce, and she loves it ... her younger son is still sick, and this is breaking her heart -- hope he'll be ok soon.

Went for dinner last night with the gals: Erni, Candra and Voni.

The delicious fish soup!

Candra looks happy with his spicy fried noodle...

This is Voni's meal of the night, Kwetiau

No picture of Erni's meal as she did not have a healthy choice ... ..

After dinner, we decided to have a quick visit to traditional market - it was 8.30 pm. The market is busy with loading vegetables ...

Saturday, September 04, 2004

birthday cake

Yesterday was our colleague, Mercy's, 32nd birthday!

Delightful strawberry cake,, for everyone!

Friday, September 03, 2004

Essential 55

I watched a nice program about teaching by Ron Clark on how to be a good teacher, a good parents. He published a book called Essential 55 -- it is a 55 simple rules in communicating with his students, of course, with help from parents.
Here are some of the ideas that he says are essential for kids to learn:
Make eye contact
Respect other; ideas and opinions
Do not save seats
Say thank you within three seconds of receiving something
When you win, do not brag; when you lose, do not show anger
Do your homework each and every night without fail
Do not talk in a movie theater
Be the best person you can be
Always be honest
If you are asked a question in conversation, ask a question in return
Perform random acts of kindness
Learn the names of all the teachers in the school and greet them
If someone bumps into you, even if it was not your fault , say excuse me
Stand up for what you believe in

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Special thanks!

A big THANKS to my BEST buddy, Derix who helped me with tag-board (see chat box on the right) & other technical problems, you are the smartest~!

breast cancer INFO

More on Breast Cancer click HERE ....
Common Risk Factors Associated with Breast Cancer
The risk of breast cancer increases as a woman grows older. About 82 percent of breast cancers occur in women age 50 and older. The risk is especially high for women age 60 or older. Breast cancer is uncommon in women younger than age 35.

Personal History.
Women who have had breast cancer and women with a history of breast disease (not cancer, but a condition that may predispose them to cancer) may develop it again.
Family History. The risk of getting breast cancer increases for a woman whose mother, sister, daughter, or two or more close relatives have had the disease. It is important to know how old they were at the time they were diagnosed.

The Breast Cancer Genes.
Some individuals, both women and men, may be born with an "alteration" (or change) in one of two genes that are important for regulating breast cell growth. Individuals who inherit an alteration in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene are at an "inherited" higher risk for breast cancer. They also may pass this alteration on to their children. It is very rare—scientists estimate that only about 5 - 10 percent of all breast cancers are due to genetic changes. One out of two women with these changes are likely to develop breast cancer. Women with a family history of breast cancer are encouraged to speak to a genetics counselor to determine the pros and cons of genetic testing.

Having an Early First Period.
Women who begin menstruating before age 12 are at increased risk of developing breast cancer. The more menstrual cycles a woman has over her lifetime, the more likely she is to get the disease.

Having a First Pregnancy After Age 25 or 30.
Although early pregnancies may help lower the chances of getting breast cancer, particularly before the age of 25, these same hormonal changes after age 35 may contribute to the incidence of breast cancer.

Having No Children.
Women who experience continuous menstrual cycles until menopause are at a higher than average risk.
Decrease your daily fat intake.
Increase fiber in your diet.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
Limit alcohol.
Stay active.
Don't smoke.
From the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month Campaign.
First, You Ignore

In some cultures, there's no word for cancer. In others, women believe the disease is God's will. Jeannette Batz Cooperman, PhD, uncovers a slew of reasons women don't fight it.
When Harold Freeman, MD, set off around the country to find out why people of different races and ethnicities weren't getting cancer care, he assumed he'd hear about financial and geographic obstacles. And he did. What he didn't expect were the numbers of Americans who, for a variety of cultural reasons, wouldn't want screening or treatment anyway.
African-Americans have the highest death rate from breast cancer of any racial or ethnic group in the country. In part because they're not getting diagnosed early enough. Fear keeps many from seeking screening. There aren't any African-American Nancy Reagans or Olivia Newton-Johns to reassure black women that you can lose your hair and it will grow back or lose part of your bosom and emerge just as sexy, loved, and confident as ever. Religion is also an effective barrier in some communities, according to medical anthropologist Deborah Erwin. Twelve years ago she heard an elderly woman announce, "If God wants me to have a mammogram, he'll tell me!" Erwin decided then and there to work through the churches. Katherine Jahnige, MD, community outreach coordinator for the Siteman Cancer Center and director of the Witness Project in St. Louis, points to the Christian tradition of "claiming," which, in biblical terms, means you can speak something into reality (for many believers that translates into: Talk too much about breast cancer and you'll get it).
Latinas over 40 are the least likely of any group to have mammograms, according to the Society for Women's Health Research in Washington, D.C. The biggest obstacles are lack of insurance and legal documentation, but some barriers are emotional. Sister Concha De La Cruz, a 62-year-old nun and pastoral minister for the Hispanic community of St. Louis, remembers growing up with other Mexicans in hot, dusty, Spanish-speaking El Paso. "Many Mexican women do not trust doctors to this day," she says. "They prefer to use herbs. And there used to be a culture of extreme modesty—'Nobody can look at me, nobody can touch me.'" For her generation, in fact, virginity was such a fragile treasure that even a doctor's gynecological exam was shunned lest it compromise a woman's purity. "That is changing," Sister Concha says with relief, although some women do confide in her about husbands so macho they don't want their wife's breasts examined. Sister Concha sighs heavily, remembering how her own father refused to take her mother to the doctor. "He was extremely jealous. If the doctor wanted a follow-up appointment, he would say, 'Well, the doctor's fallen in love with you.'"
Asian-Americans often forgo mammograms because they don't see breast cancer as a threat. Back home, that may be true: Rates across Asian countries are extremely low. But according to the National Asian Women's Health Organization, by the time an Asian woman has been in the United States for one decade, her risk of breast cancer has increased by a whopping 80 percent. Katherine K. Kim, PhD, professor emeritus of nursing science at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan—who herself recovered from breast cancer decades after emigrating from Korea—has researched other barriers that impede Asian-Americans from getting screened and treated. There's a real fear of social stigma—the worry that should a woman be diagnosed with breast cancer, her husband will leave her or the community will shun her. Kim also found that extreme modesty often plays a large role—many of these women are too embarrassed to undergo an examination.
"The idea of prevention is pretty Western," says Bogomolov. "If you believe your life has been preordained from the moment you were conceived, the disease is either going to occur or it's not. All we can do is show that the interventions being offered are on their life path. Barbara Bogomolov, who directs refugee health services for Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, is strategizing how to reach her observant Muslim patients from countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan who find mammography an affront to their understanding of body modesty. One idea: Train those already permitted into their homes—for example, nuns who teach English—to talk about mammograms and breast health. Another plan is a mammography van completely staffed by female technicians who will stress that mammograms are necessary to keep a woman healthy and pure before Allah.
Native Americans
When Jackie Nolte, who is part Cherokee, was diagnosed with breast cancer three years ago at the age of 54, she found herself angered by the prospect of chemotherapy. "I could not give the white people my hair," she muttered. At Las Fuentes Health Clinic, Gynecologist John Molina's Native American patients remind him daily that what Western science calls fatalism is, to them, simply acceptance. "Breast cancer doesn't even faze them," he remarks, "because they feel that whatever happens will happen." So screening carries no urgency. Intense modesty makes it unlikely that these women would ever perform a breast self-exam, says Molina. "They don't even like talking about breasts much less feeling them." He adds that Apache, Hopi, and Navajo women will see healers before medical doctors. "What finally brings them into the clinic is pain. By the time you get pain, it's an advanced cancer." While the incidence of breast cancer among Native Americans is lower than that of other groups, the mortality rate in some parts of the country is higher, according to available research. Molina suggests that health care providers might do well to learn who the healers and elders are in the community and work through them.
Jeannette Batz Cooperman, PhD, has written for the Utne Reader and Glamour.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Special thanks for JB, click here to see this nice guy, who inspired me to make this amateur blog. Thank you, thank you!


Morning all~! It is a lovely day - let's go back to sleep zzz...zzz...

I am still considering whether to get a camera phone or not? Especially, after I bumped into a small group of traditional dancers - my 1st time to see it LIVE - last night at the local market after my quick swim.


enable me to take interesting pictures anytime and upload to my blogs.


I might get mugged - as snaps of interesting photos are normally from unexpected places…

job & sleep

Woke up feeling tired -- been like this for the past few days! I need my old 9 hours sleeping pattern back....

This is what I've noticed:
Office = time moves sloooowwwly
After office = time just flies QUICKLY!

My younger brother, Yanto, is in hospital -
hepatitis A, more details - here. Today is his 2nd day resting there, he said he only feels slightly better. All rooms in hopsital are full, he's sharing room with other 4 patients - of course without aircon! I can't imagine how HOT in there ... Parents are still trying to move him to better room ...

The BRIGHT MOON on Mooncake festival (3 days ago).

If you REALLY try hard enough to see the 2nd picture (center), you can see two tiny thingies between the lift & building - actually those are hands, they are cleaning each side of the HUGE building by hands!