Monday, August 28, 2006

cooking class...

After reading my blog, my sweetest friend suggested that i should "update the damn thing more often" -- well, i take that as a genuine remark to motivate me :) t h a n k y o u

Let's start a new hobby in cooking - click here

Monday, August 21, 2006

Long weekend : 17 - 21 Aug 2006

What did i do on this long weekend [read: stranded in Jakarta]:
1. Wed., 16th Aug--> still trying to get ticket Jakarta to Palembang for 17/18/19 Aug. Got a ridiculous price for 1 seat on 19 Aug to Palembang, however NO SEAT on return flight!
2. Thrus., 17th Aug --> woke up at 7 am, BREAKFAST, tv, LUNCH, nap, SNACK, tv, DINNER, tv.
3. Fri., 18 Aug --> BREAKFAST, to bank in morning, HUGE LUNCH with Norman, to FUJI to develop photos, SNACK, quick window shopping in mall, to gyn, DINNER.
4. Sat., 19 Aug --> Visited Norman by bus. The one-day-trip was fun as we keept on FEEDING ourselves for 4 hours... :) Back in Jakarta at 5.30 pm, perfect time for DINNER: Manado food - yummy!!
5. Sun., 20 Aug --> To mall to collect photos, snack: CREPES with banana, chocolate and cheese fillings. Simple DINNER: Fried rice and spicy rice noodle.
6. Mon., 21 Aug --> groceries in am. LUNCH, and we also bought food for our DINNER later (again, Manado food) ..
I really look forward to coming back to office tomorrow - first time in in my 9 working years :) i wonder whether it has something to do with the slow, hopeless internet connection at home for the past few days?